About Release
- Name: pluck: 1
- Date release: 11 Mar 2017
- Author: Ryan Oberto
- Series: pluck
After turning on the victim machine and our Kali, we try to recognize the IP of our target with arp-scan.
sudo arp-scan -I eth0 --localnet --ignoredups
We see in the output that the victim machine is on and that we are in front of a Linux system since the ttl is 64, corresponding to Linux operating systems.
Now we do a scan with nmap to see what services the victim machine is running.
nmap -p- --open -sSV -n -Pn
Port 80 OPEN, lets check the website:
we see in the url the ?page=php points to different php files we play with wrappers and we see that it is vulnerable and we see commands
when we see the passwd we see the backup user and look at the bash script
we try to get via tfcp the backup.tar
we unzip and see the paul public and private keys and ssh
we see the private and public keys and try to login as paul via ssh
the private key should not ask for a password, so we find that 4 does not ask for it.
we see that paul is assigned this pdmenu
we see that edit gives us the ability to run a vim and we look in gfibins for how to exploit the vi and we find :set shell=/bin/bash :shell we execute and we are inside as paul
we look for scaling our privilege now we search in searsploit looking for the 4000 binary exploit
search for exim
we download the privilege escalation exploit
we execute it and chan